Monday, January 11, 2010

Read this

Okay this was very frustrating for me to figure out blogging. I'm not to sure that I like the idea of using blogging. I have no idea what to blog about.


  1. Honestly, you are off to a good start and guess what you just blogged. : )

    It takes a bit, and remember, looking at the top of the page you will find dash board (click it). This where you will begain your daily/weekly (what ever we need to do) blog.

    Best of luck and have a beautiful day.

  2. The picture of your baby is gorgeous! I love kids when they are still short! He is so beautiful. Talk with you soon!

  3. You can blog about anything that you want. For example, you could talk about your baby. As he gets bigger he will be doing all these milestones that you will be excited about and want to tell anyone and everyone that you can to brag about your baby. Is this your first child? I know when I had my kids and as they started to roll over, crawl and stand I was the happiest ever and wanted to brag and tell everyone everything. I wish you luck on blogging and in your classes. If you need any help with blogging you oan send me a message and I will be happy to help.
